South Cedar Greenhouses pricelist includes the following plants:
Angelonia - Alonia Big Blue
Angelonia - Alonia Pink Flirt
Begonia Doublet Pink
Begonia Dragon Wing Pink
Begonia Dragon Wing Red
Begonia Dragon Wing White
Begonia Nonstops (8 colors)
Begonia Viking XL - Red on Chocolate
Chenille Plant - Fuzzy caterpillar like red flowers, trailing
Cleome - Clio Magenta - Spiderflower 36"
Coleus - Coleosaurus Dragon Heart - Red center, green edges
Coleus - Coleosaurus Electric Lime - Bright green
Coleus - Coleosaurus Inferno - Orange Lava-like
Coleus - Coleosaurus Ruby Slippers - Deep red
Coleus - Coleosaurus Trusty Rusty - Copper, golden edges
Coleus - Coleosaurus Vulcan - Dark red, yellow edges
Coleus - Coleosaurus Wasabi - Light green, ruffled edges
Coleus - Flame Thrower Spiced Curry - Burnt orange, red edges
Coleus - Flame Thrower Sriracho - Red, Burnt orange edges
Coleus - Great Falls Niagara -Red heart shaped leaves, grn edges
Coleus - Kong Mosaic
Coleus - Kong Red
Coleus - Kong Rose
Coleus - Premium Mainstreet Beal Street - Deep red
Coleus - Premium Mainstreet Chartres Street - Bright green
Coleus - Premium Mainstreet Ocean Drive - Brightly colored
Coleus - Premium Mainstreet River Walk - Bright lime green
Coleus - Premium Mainstreet Rodeo Drive - Ruffled / purple edges
Coleus - Premium Mainstreet Ruby Road -Scarlet red/green edges
Coleus - Premium Mainstreet Sunset Blvd - Copper/salmon/olive
Coleus - Premium Mainstreet Wall Street - Rusty orange
Cuphea - Hummingbirds Lunch - Cherry-red flowers, apricot tips
Dahlia Starsister Crimson Picotte - Ruby red and white blooms 12"
Dahlia Starsister Scarlet Yellow - Scarlet and yellow blooms 12"
Dahlia Starsister Yellow Stripes - Double yellow, white edges 10"
Daisy Everest White - Large daisy-llke flower with gold center 18"
Daisy Beauty Yellow - Lemon-yellow flower with yellow center 12"
Datura Ballerina Purple Jagged, double blooms (Trumpet Flower)
Datura Ballerina White - Jagged, double blooms (Trumpet Flower)
Datura Ballerina Yellow - Jagged, double blooms (Trumpet Flower)
Dichondra Silver Falls - Silver-rounded leaves, trailing
Dorotheanthus Mezoo - Trailing succulent
Eupatorium Elegant Feathers 48" - 72"
Euphorbia Breathless White 9" - 12"
Euphorbia Hip Hop White - Compact, mounded 18"
Fern Boston
Fuchsia Gartenmeister - Upright
Fuchsia Windchimes Rose / Purple - Upright
Fuchsia Windchimes Red / White - Upright
Fuchsia Windchimes White / White - Upright
Gaura Passionate Rainbow
Geranium Caliente (Trailing zonal) - Deep Red
Geranium Caliente Lavender - Trailing zonal
Geranium Caliente Orange - Trailing zonal
Geranium Calliope Crimson Flame - Medium leaf
Geranium Calliope Dark Red - Medium leaf
Geranium Calliope Pink Flame - Medium leaf
Geranium Ivy Focus - Burgundy
Geranium Ivy Focus - Red
Geranium Ivy Focus - Red Ice
Geranium Ivy Focus - White
Geranium Ivy Precision - Burgundy Ice
Geranium Ivy Precision - Pink Improved
German Ivy - Trailing, glossy green leaves
Heliotrope Marine Blue - Improved variety
Impatiens Double Fiesta - Stardust Pink
Impatiens Double Fiesta - Stardust Purple
Impatiens Double Glimmer - Apple Blossom
Impatiens Double Glimmer - Burgundy
Impatiens Double Glimmer - Bright Red
Impatiens Doulbe Glimmer - Hot Pink
Impatiens Double Glimmer - Salmon
Impatiens New Guinea Sonic - Deep Purple
Impatiens New Guinea Sonic - Deep Red
Impatiens New Guinea Sonic - Orange
Impatiens New Guinea Sonic - Sweet Purple
Impatiens New Guinea Sonic - Sweet Red
Impatiens New Guinea Sonic - White
Impatiens New Guinea Sunpatiens - Compact Deep Red
Impatiens New Guinea Sunpatiens - Compact Deep Rose
Impatiens New Guinea Sunpatiens - Compact Electric Orange
Impatiens New Guinea Sunpatiens - Compact Lilac
Impatiens New Guinea Sunpatiens - Compact Rose Glow
Impatiens New Guinea Sunpatiens Compact Tropical Rose - Variegated foliage
Impatiens New Guinea Sunpatiens - Compact White
Impatiens New Guinea Sunpatiens Vigorous Tropical Orange - Variegated foliage
Ipomoea Sweet Potato Vine - Blackie - Compact
Ipomoea Sweet Potato Vine - Georgia Bronze - Compact
Ipomoea Sweet Potato Vine - Georgia Deep Purple - Compact
Ipomoea Sweet Potato Vine - Georgia Heart Light Green- Compact
Ipomoea Sweet Potato Vine - Georgia Heart Red - Compact
Ipomoea Sweet Potato Vine - Marguerite - Chartreuse, vigorous
Ipomoea Sweet Potato Vine - Sidekick Black - More compact
Ipomoea Sweet Potato Vine - Sidekick Lime - More compact
Ivy Algerian Green
Ivy Algerian Marengo - Variegated
Lantana Hot Blooded Red - Compact
Lantana Lucky Red Flame - Compact
Lantana Lucky Rose Sunrise - Compact
Lantana Lucky Yellow - Compact
Licorice Plant Lemon Yellow - Trailing
Licorice Plant White - Trailing
Lobelia Hot Brilliant Blue - Heat tolerant
Lobelia Magadi Blue - Brilliant color, trailing
Lobelia Waterfall Blue - Bright blue flowers with white throat
Lobularia maritima - Easy Breezy (Giant Alyssum)
Lophospermum - Compact Rose
Nemesia Babycakes Yellow - Great for mixed containers
Osteospermum Margarita Cool Purple
Osteospermum Margarita Orange Flare
Osteospermum Margarita White
Osteospermum Zion Blue Denim
Osteospermum Zion Copper Amethyst
Osteospermum Zion Pink Sun
Penta Star Clusters - Pink
Penta Star Clusters - Red
Penta Star Clusters - Rose
Penta Star Clusters - Violet
Perilla Magilla - Dark leaf with brilliant pink-purple tones
Petunia Starlet Velvet - Black velvety flower 8" - 10"
Petunia Bee's Knees - Intense Yellow
Petunia Cascadias Pitaya - Fuchsia with green edges
Petunia Flower Shower - Flame
Petunia Flower Shower - Golden Harvest
Petunia Flower Shower - Mayan Sunset
Petunia Headliner - Enchanted Sky
Petunia Headliner - Lipstick
Petunia Headliner - Night Sky
Petunia Headliner - Starry Burgundy Sky
Petunia Midnight Gold - Double flower
Petunia Red Carpet Rimarkable
Petunia Supercal Petchoa - Caramel Yellow
Petunia Supercal Petchoa - Cinnamon
Petunia Vogue Lavender Vein - Double flower
Plectranthus Guacamole - Trailing (Candlestick Plant)
Salvia Black and Bloom - Improved, early bloomer
Salvia Hot Lips - Red and white flowers, long bloom time 36"
Salvia Bodacious - Hummingbird Falls - Cobolt blue, trailing
Salvia Bodacious - Rhythm and Blues
Salvia Bodacious - Smokey Jazz
Salvia Hot Lips - Red and white flowers, long bloom time 36"
Salvia Roman Red - Vivid scarlet-red flowers, heat tolerant 30"
Scaevola Surdiva - Blue Violet
Scaevola Surdiva - Fashion Pink
Setcreasea - Purple Queen
Shrimp Plant - Lutea Yellow
Strobilanthes - Persian Shield
Verbena Lascar - Dark Blue
Verbena Lascar - Dark Red
Verbena Lascar - Lava Orange
Verbena Lascar - Pink
Verbena Lascar - Red
Verbena Lascar - Rose
Verbena Wicked - Beauty Burgundy
Verbena Wicked - Great Grape
Verbena Wicked - Pink Pepper
Vinca Vine Wojo's Jem - Creamy yellow leaves, green margins
Wandering Jew Nanouk - Magenta-purple color, eye-catcher
Bacopa Megacopa New Blue
Bacopa Megacopa New White
Bidens Namid - Red / Yellow 10" - 14"
Bidens Popstar - Red with yellow eye 6" - 8"
Bidens White Delight - Yellow eye, semi trailing
Brachyscome Surdaisy Mauve
Cuphea FloriGlory Diana - Purple (Mexican Heather)
Geranium Bright Red - Oglevee Patriot Series
Geranium Lavender Blue - Oglevee Patriot Series
Geranium Rose Pink - Oglevee Patriot Series
Geranium Salmon - Oglevee Patriot Series
Geranium Sassy Dark Red
Geranium Watermelon - Oglevee Patriot Series
Geranium White - Oglevee Patriot Series
Green Trailing Plants - Bridal Veil
Green Trailing Plants - Spider Plants
Green Trailing Plants - Swedish Ivy
Green Trailing Plants - Wandering Jew
Ivy English Glacier - Green and white variegated
Ivy English Gold Child - Gold variegated
Ivy English Kolibri - Green and Cream
Ivy English Needlepoint - Small dark green climber
Million Bells (Calibrachoa) Cabaret Bright Red
Million Bells (Calibrachoa) Cabaret Deep Yellow
Million Bells (Calibrachoa) Cabaret Hot Pink
Million Bells (Calibrachoa) Cabaret Midnight Deep Blue
Million Bells (Calibrachoa) Cabaret Orange
Million Bells (Calibrachoa) Cha-Cha Diva Hot Pink
Million Bells (Calibrachoa) Eyeconic Strawberry
Million Bells (Calibrachoa) Minifamous Neo Double Orange Tastic
Morning Glory Heavenly Blue
Morning Glory Scarlet O'Hara - Red
Muehlenbeckia axillaris (Creeping Wire Vine) Small round leaves
Penta Lucky Star Dark Red
Penta Lucky Star Lipstick
Penta Lucky Star Violet
Pepper Chilly Chili - Ornamental, green foliage, colorful fruit
Pepper Numex Easter - Colorful Fruit
Petunia Easy Wave E3 Blue
Petunia Easy Wave E3 Coral
Petunia Easy Wave E3 Pink
Petunia Easy Wave E3 Red
Petunia Easy Wave E3 Sky Blue
Petunia Easy Wave E3 White
Petunia Easy Wave Pink Passion
Petunia Easy Wave Rose Fusion
Petunia Wave Purple Improved
Plectranthus - Iboza, Candle Stick Vine
Portulaca Colorblast Lemon Twist
Portulaca Colorblast Double Guava
Portulaca Cupcake Orange Zest
Portulaca Cupcake Raspberry
Portulaca Mega Pazazz Mango Twist
Portulaca Mega Pazazz Pink Twist
Salvia Sallyfun Blue Lagoon
Salvia Summer Jewel Pink
Salvia Summer Jewel White
Sanvitalia Sunvy Super Gold
Sedum Lemon Ball - Chartreuse green foliage
Sprengeri Fern - Classic foliage plant
Torenia Summer Wave - Bouquet Blue
Vinca Vine - Expoflora
Vinca Vine - maculata green
Zinnia Zahara - Double Raspberry Ripple
Zinnia Zahara - Double Yellow
Zinnia Zahara - Sunburst
Zinnia Zahara - XL Fire
Annuals - Mixed Specialty Annuals *Latest mixes*
Bacopa MegaCopa New Blue
Bacopa MegaCopa New White
Begonia Bossa Nova (3 colors)
Begonia Dragon Wing Red
Begonia I'conia - Scentiment Peachy Keen
Begonia Illumination (4 colors)
Begonia Nonstops (9 colors)
Begonia Solenia (4 colors)
Bracteantha - Granvia Gold Strawflower
Bridal Veil
Coleus - Great Falls Niagara
Fuchsia - Prolific blooms (6 colors)
Fuchsia Windchimes Trailing - Dbl Pink /Lilac, Dbl Dark Eyes
Geranium Caldera Red, Salmon
Geranium Calliope (3 Colors)
Geranium Calliope Cascading Violet
Geranium Galaxy - Pink, Salmon, White
Geranium Zonal (7 colors)
Impatiens Double - Fiesta and Glimmer Series
Impatiens New Guinea - Magnum Series (5 colors)
Impatiens New Guinea - Rollercoaster Hot Pink
Impatiens New Guinea - Sonic Series (6 colors)
Impatiens Singles - Mix
Ivy - Algerian Green, English Gold Child, Ivy Triple Mix
Lantana Bandolero Series - Cherry Sunrise, Guava
Lantana Hot Blooded Red
Lobelia Magadi - Dark Blue and Light Blue
Lophospermum - Compact Rose
Million Bells (Cali) Bumble Bee Pink
Million Bells (Cali) Cabaret Series (5 colors)
Million Bells (Cali) Cha-Cha Diva - Hot Pink, Fushsia, Red Kiss
Million Bells (Cali) Minifamous Neo - Double OrangeTastic
Million Bells (Cali) Minifamous Neo - Pink Hawaii
Petunia Capella - Hello Yellow - Compact
Petunia Cascadias Pitaya - Fuchsia with green edges
Petunia Crazytunia - Blackberry Jam, Cosmic Purple
Petunia Double - Vogue Lavender Blue Vein, Midnight Gold
Petunia FlowerShower Flame, Golden Harvest, Mayan Sunset, Patrick Star
Petunia Headliner - Enchanted Sky, Headliner Lipstick
Petunia Headliner - Night Sky, Starry Burgundy Sky
Petunia Red Carpet Rimarkable
Petunia Easy Wave Blue
Petunia Easy Wave Pink Passion
Petunia Easy Wave Purple
Petunia Easy Wave Red Improved
Petunia Easy Wave Rose Fusion
Petunia Wave Patriot Mix (Red, white and blue)
Salvia Bodacious Hummingbird Falls - Cobolt blue, trailing
Scaevola Surdiva Blue - Violet
Swedish Ivy
Torenia - Summer Wave Bouquet Gold and Large Blue
Wandering Jew - Nanouk, Zebrina
Bougainvillea - Pink, Purple
Ferns - Boston type
Mandevilla - Bella Scarlet, Madinia Coral, Madinia White, Sunbeam Yellow
Annuals - Mixed - 12" fiber basket
Annuals - Mixed - 13" black basket
Begonia Dragon Wing Red 13" black basket
Bougainvillea - 13" black basket
Annuals - Mixed Annuals
Annuals - Mixed Annuals
Annuals - Mixed Shade Annuals
Annuals - Mixed Annuals - Designer pots
Cactus - Large specimen plants (2 years old)
Coleus - Newer varieties
Cordyline Australis - Red
Cycas Sago Revoluta Palm
Dipladenia - Madinia Maximo Light Pink, Red
Fern - Blue Star
Fern - Cyrtomium falcatum (Holly Fern)
Fern - Kimberly
Fern - Meyeri - Fox Tail
Geranium with accent plants (Assorted colors)
Geranium (Assorted colors)
Hydrangea Helium - Early bloomer, annual
Monstera Deliciosa - Split leaf, climber
Mandevilla - Bella Scarlet, Madinia Coral, Madinia White, Sunbeam Yellow
Pennisetum rubrum - Purple Fountain Grass
Succulent - Large specimens
Sansevieria 'Snake Plant'
Geranium Pillars - Designer pot - Spectacular
Cactus Dish Garden - Copper Bowls 11" 22.00 each
Pansy Bowl Round 12" 10.00 each
Succulent Dish Garden 12" - Mix Brightly Colored Pot 17.50 each
Alocasia (Elephant Ears) Metallica and Sumo
Aloe Vera - Medicinal plant
Alpinia Zerumbet - Wide yellow and green foliage 4' (Shell Ginger)
Banana Ensete Maurelii - Red leaves
Bird of Paradise - White
Begonia Escargot - Snail-like foliage
Begonia Rex - Bewitched 3/varieties
Begonia Rex - Dibs Rothko
Begonia Rex - Shadow King 2/varieties
Bougainvillea - Vera deep purple
Brugmansia variegated (Angel Trumpet)
Cactus - Variety of sizes, shapes, color
Cactus - Cactus in larger pots
Caladium - Assorted colors
Centaurea Snowy Owl - Velvety white18"
Colocasia Hawaiian Black Coral (E Ears)
Colocasia Hawaiian Maui Gold (E Ears)
Colocasia Tea Cup (Elephant Ears)
Colocasia White Lava (Elephant Ears)
Cordyline australis - Red Sensation
Cordyline australis - Salsa
Croton Mammy - Bright colorful foliage
Croton Petra - Stunning leaf color
Dahlia Megaboom Berry Blast
Dahlia Megaboom Fire
Dahlia Megaboom Passion Fruit
Dahlia Megaboom Pink Lemonade
Dipladenia Red Ridinghood - trellis
Dipladenia Madinia Maximo - Pink, Red
Dipladenia Madinia Maximo - Pink, Red
Fern Meyeri - Fox Tail 24"
Fern Meyeri - Fox Tail 24"
Geranium - Fancy leaf (3 Var)
Geranium - 'Mosquito Plant'
Geranium Marthas - Regals (6 Colors)
Gerbera Daisy - Royal Mix
Hibiscus - Assorted Colors
Hibiscus - Mahogany Splendor
Lemon Cypress - Lime green 6'
Mandevilla - Bella Scarlet, Madinia Coral, Madinia White, Sunbeam Yellow
Mandevilla - Brides Cascade White
Mandevilla - Sun Parasol Crimson
Monstera Deliciosa - Split leaf, climber
Monstera Deliciosa - Split leaf, climber
Oxalis Triangularis - Purple
Sansevieria Zeylanica (Snake Plant)
Sansevieria Zeylanica (Snake Plant)
Senecio Angel Wings - Silver leaves 10"
Spike - Large plant
Spike - Giant plants in larger pots
Succulents - Assorted
Succulents - Assorted
Thunbergia Sunny Susy Orange - Trellis
Thunbergia Sunny Susy Yellow - Trellis
Thunbergia Tower Power Red - Trellis
Umbrella Plant(Cyperus alternifollus) 36"
Umbrella Plant(Cyperus P) Cleopatra - Starburst shaped green umbels 15"
Umbrella Plant (Cyperus Papyrus) Crown of Pharaoh - Water plant 72"
Cannova - Bronze Leaf Scarlet 30"
Cannova - Orange Shades/green foliage 30"
Cannova - Orange/Bronze foliage 30"
Cannova - Red Golden Flame/green foliage 36"
Cannova - Red shades/green foliage 30"
Cannova - Rose blooms/green foliage 30"
Cannova - Yellow blooms/green foliage 30"
Beverly Gold - Decorative
Beverly Orange - Decorative
Bonnie Red - Daisy-like
Chelsey Pink - Decorative
Chelsey Yellow - Decorative
Chelsey White - Decorative
Cheryl Golden - Decorative
Cheryl Jolly Red - Decorative
Cheryl Regal Purple - Decorative
Tracy Orange - Decorative
Wanda Bronze - Decorative
Wanda Lavender - Decorative
Wanda Red - Decorative
Pansies - Early bloomers
Anise Hyssop - Attracts butterflies 20"
Arugula Simply Salad - Tangy, used in salads 12" - 18"
Basil Columbar Everleaf Emerald Towers - Slow bolting 16"
Basil Genovese - Italian large leaf 24"
Basil Red Rubin - Copper/purple leaves 16"
Basil Siam Queen - Thai, spicy flavor AAS Winner
Basil Sweet Dani - Lemon flavor AAS Winner
Basil Sweet (Italian Large Leaf) 16"
Borage - Cucumber flavored, used in soups and salads 18"
Catnip - Perennial, best for cats, non-addictive 18"
Chamomile Roman - Ground cover, flowers used in tea 5"
Chard Swiss Bright Lights - Multi-colored, edible AAS Winner
Chives Common (Grass Onion) - Perennial 10"
Chives Garlic - Perennial, mild garlic flavor 12"
Cilantro Santo - Popular Mexican herb 15"
Curry - Used on fish, soups and stews 16"
Dill 'Bouquet' - Semi-dwarf, earliest dill 24"
Dill Fern Leaf - Dwarf 18" AAS Winner
Epazote - Strongly scented Mexican herb 48"
Fennell - Cook with the bulb, foliage and seeds 60"
Horseradish - in #1 pots $6.00 each 6 /crate $36.00/crate
Lavender Goodwin Creek Grey - Fragrant, thrives indoors 20"
Lavender Intermedia Phenomenal - Fragrant, purple flowers 18"
Lavender Lady - Light blue flowers 16" AAS Winner !
Lavender Munstead - Perennial, dwarf, tolerates heat 10"
Lavender Stoechas Primavera - Spanish, early blooms 16"
Leek - Onion family, thick cylindrical stalks 16"
Lemon Balm - For tea, desserts, and seasoning fish 20"
Lemon Grass - in #1 pots $5.00 each 6 /crate $30.00/crate
Lemon Verbena - Native of Chile and Peru 20"
Marjoram Golden - Use for soups, sauces, fish & meats
Mint Chocolate - Perennial, dark leaf, cocoa aroma 20"
Mint Mojito - Mild flavor, hint of citrus, use for mojitos 24"
Mint Orange - Perennial, used in hot tea or ice tea 20"
Mint Peppermint - Perennial, dries easily 20"
Mint Pineapple - Variegated foliage 20"
Mint Spearmint - Perennial, used in teas, meats, fish and fruit 24"
Oregano Golden - Aromatic foliage, mild flavor 6"
Oregano Greek - Robust flavor, used in sauces 12"
Oregano Italian - Italian cooking staple, use fresh or dried 8"
Parsley Curled - Full of vitamins, garnish 12"
Parsley Italian - Flat leaved parsley, favored by cooks 12"
Rosemary - Likes dry soil, popular cooking herb 18"
Rosemary Barbeque - Aromatic, needle-like foliage 24" - 48"
Rosemary - in #1 pots - 4.50 pot 6 /crate $27.00/crate
Rosemary Prostrate (Trailing) - Low growing 6"
Sage Common - Used to flavor meat and poultry 18"
Sage Golden Variegated - Unique pungent flavor and aroma 24"
Sage Purple - Dark leaves, used in containers 20"
Sage Tricolor - Green, pink and white foliage 14"
Sorrel, French - Tangy lemon flavor, early season greens 14"
Stevia - Ten times sweeter than sugar, natural sweetener 12"
Tarragon French - Licorice flavored, add to vinegar 24"
Thyme Winter - Robust, flavorful 4"
Thyme citriodorus varigatus -Gold lemon foliage, lemon scent.4"
Thyme Woolly - Fuzzy light-blue foliage 4"
Horseradish - 6 /crate $6.00/pot $36.00/crate
Lemon Grass - 6 /crate $5.00/pot $30.00/crate
Rosemary - 6 /crate $4.50/pot $27.00/crate
Beefsteak' - Large fruit AAS Winner
Better Boy' - Trusted favorite, high yields, juicy yet meaty
Celebrity' - Excellent fruit, very disease resistant
Early Girl' - Compact, med to large fruit, great flavor
Midnight Snack' - Indigo-type cherry, very flavorful
San Marzano' - Roma style, red, perfect for canning
Sunsugar Cherry' - Sweet flavor, virus resistant genes
California Wonder' - Heirloom green belle pepper 4" fruit
Jalapeno' - Used in mexican recipes, 3" fruit
Red Beauty' - Sweet bell, disease resistant genes, juicy 4" fruit
Serrano' - Hot Chili Pepper, Three times as hot as jalepeno 2"- 4"
Ageratum Blue
Alyssum Violet
Alyssum White
Dianthus Strawberry Shades
Dusty Miller Silver Dust
Lobelia Regatta Blue (Trailing)
Marigold Dwarf Bolero (Bi-color)
Marigold Dwarf Mix
Marigold Dwarf Red
Marigold Dwarf Orange
Marigold Dwarf Yellow
Marigold Inca Orange
Marigold Inca Yellow
Marigold Vanilla White
Pansy Blue
Pansy Mix
Pansy Orange
Pansy Violet
Pansy Yellow
Petunia Cascade Blue
Petunia Cascade Pink
Petunia Cascade Red
Petunia Cascade White
Petunia Blue
Petunia Burgundy
Petunia Mix
Petunia Pink
Petunia Violet
Petunia Red
Petunia Rose
Petunia White
Portulaca Mix (Moss Rose)
Salvia Blue Victoria
Salvia Vista Purple - Medium
Salvia Vista Red - Medium
Verbena Imagination
Verbena Tuscany Peach
Viola Mix
Achillea 'Moonshine' Sulphur yellow, silver foliage 20"
Achillea 'New Vintage Red' Ruby-red blooms 12" - 14"
Achillea 'Strawberry Seduction' Strawberry-red flowers 24"
Aconitum fischeri - Clear blue flower spikes 25"
Actaea ramosa (Cimicifuga) 'Brunette' - Pink flowers, burgundy foliage 40"
Actaea (Cimicifuga) 'Chocoholic' Bronze purple foliage 48"
Agastache 'Blue Fortune' Tubular flwr spike, blue foliage 18"
Alchemilla mollis 'Gold Strike' (Lady's Mantle)Gray-green scalloped foliage 12"
Allium 'Millenium' - Rose-pink flowers 12" - 18" 2018 Perennial of the Year!
Allium 'Summer Beauty' - Large pink blooms, upright 12"
Amsonia hubrichtii 'Blue Ice' - Light blue flowers 12"
Anemone tomentosa 'Robustissima' Grape-like color with mauve-pink flowers30"
Anemone sylvestris (Snowdrop Anemone) -Fragrant white , early bloomer 12"
Aquilegia 'Kirigami' - Deep blue/white flowers, compact 16"
Aquilegia 'Kirigami' - Red/White 18"
Aquilegia 'Kirigami' - Yellow 18"
Aralia cordata 'Sun King' - Gold foliage, white flower 30"
Aruncus aethusifolius (Goats Beard) Fine ferny, creamy spikes, dwarf 12"
Aruncus dioicus (Goats Beard) Ferny fol., creamy spikes 50"
Asarum canadensis Ginger Root - Purple flower, shade 6"
Asclepias incarnata Cinderella-Vanilla scented, rose-pink 48"(Swamp Milkweed)
Asclepias incarnata Ice Ballet - Clear white flowers, dark green foliage 36" - 48" (Swamp Milkweed)
Asclepias incarnata (Swamp Milkweed) Rose-purple flowers clustered 54"
Asclepias tuber. (Butterfly Weed) Orange to red flowers 20"
Aster 'Alert' - Red 12" - 15"
Aster 'Woods Light Blue' (Bushy Aster) 14"
Aster 'Woods Purple' - Yellow eye 14"
Aster 'Purple Dome' - Dwarf, purple (Bushy Aster) 18"
Astilbe arendsii 'Chocolate Shogun' Choc/brown foliage 20"
Astilbe arendsii 'Color Flash' - Foliage changes green to pink to burgundy 12"
Astilbe arendsii 'Delft Lace' - Blue/green, apricot flowers 30"
Astilbe arendsii 'Fanal' - Dark red 24"
Astilbe arendsii 'Happy Spirit' Dark red stems, white flwr 20"
Astilbe chinensis 'Maggie Daley' Dark fol. purple plumes 30"
Astilbe chinensis 'Mighty Chocolate Cherry' - Cherry-red flws on Red stems 42"
Astilbe chinensis 'Pumila' - Raspberry purple 10"
Astilbe chinensis 'Vision in Red' - Red stems, purple-red flowers 15"
Astilbe chinensis 'Vision in White' - Dark green foliage sturdy stems 18"
Astilbe japonica 'Deutschland' - Pure white blooms 22"
Astilbe japonica 'Rheinland' - Clear rose-pink flowers 10"
Astrantia 'Star of Beauty' - Burgundy pincushion flowers, nearly black stems 20"
Baptisia 'American Goldfinch' -Golden Yellow flower spikes, very floriferous 36"
Baptisia australis (False Indigo) - Blue 40" 2010 Perennial of the Year
Bergenia cordifolia 'Winter Glow' - Leaves turn bright maroon in autumn 16"
Brunnera macrophylla - Heart-shaped foliage, tiny blue flowers 12"
Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost' Large silver leaves with green veinst 12"
Brunnera macrophylla 'Sea Heart' - Heart-shaped foliage, green veins 6" - 12"
Calamintha (Lesser Calamint) - White flowers, fragrant 15"
Campanula carpatica 'Rapido Blue' (Harebell) 9" - 12"
Campanula carpatica 'Rapido White' (Harebell) 9" - 12"
Chelone lyonii 'Hotlips' - Pink Turtlehead-like blooms 30"
Chelone lyonii 'Tiny Tortuga' Tiny turtlehead, hot pink 16"
Convalaria - Lily of the Valley 9"
Coreopsis 'Early Sunrise' - semi-double yellow blossoms 18"
Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam' - Cream yellow 18"
Coreopsis verticillata 'Zagreb' - Upright habit, yellow 12"
Delphinium 'Blue Butterfly' - Deep blue 14"
Delphinium 'Pacific Giants Black Knight' - Violet 48"
Delphinium elatum 'Red Lark' - Coke can red,double flowers 36" Gallons 6/crate
Dianthus 'Neon Star Improved' Bright fluorescent neon pink flowers 6"
Dianthus 'Firewitch' - Magenta flowers, blue foliage 6"
Dianthus 'Kahori' - Scarlet blooms with white centers 10"
Dicentra eximia 'King of Hearts' (Bleeding Heart)Cut leaf blue fol. rose-pink 12"
Dicentra formosa 'Luxurient' (Bleeding Heart) - Red 12"
Dicentra spectabilis 'Alba' (Bleeding Heart) - White 24"
Dicentra spectablilis 'Gold Heart' - Rose-pink heart-shaped flowers gold fol. 24"
Dicentra spectabilis (Old Fashioned Bleeding Heart) 24"
Dicentra spectabilis 'Valentine' - Vibrant red flowers 24"
Echinacea 'Cheyenne Spirit' - Hues of red, orange, purple and yellow flowers24"
Echinacea 'Delicious Candy' Fuchsia pink flowers 18" - 24"
Echinacea 'Kismet Intense Orange' - Compact orange flower, long bloom time16"
Echinacea 'Kismet Intense Raspberry' - Raspberry pink flower, compact 18"
Echinacea 'Kismet Red' Large scarlet flowers, rebloomer 16"
Echinacea 'Kismet Yellow' Butter-yellow flowers 16"
Echinacea 'Magnus' (Coneflower) - Rose-red 36"
Echinacea purpurea (Purple Coneflower) - Red/purple 30"
Echinacea 'Pow Wow White' - Pure white, floriferous 16"
Echinacea 'Pow Wow Wild Berry' - Deep rose-purple 24"
Echinacea 'Ruby Star' (Coneflower) - Carmine-red petals 36"
Echinacea 'Sombrero Adobe Orange' Intense orange flowers, orange cone, 18"
Echinacea 'Sombrero Lemon Yellow' Golden flower with copper cone 24"
Echinacea 'Sombrero Salsa Red' Spicy red with orange, orange/brown cone 24"
Echinacea 'Sombrero Sangrita' Orange flowers that matures to a red color 18"
Echinacea 'Sunseekers Rainbow' Yellow flowers to hues of may colors 18" - 24"
Echinacea 'Sweet Sandia' Lime green, with a watermelon-red center 18"
Echinacea 'White Swan' (Coneflower) 40"
Epimedium rubrum (Barrenwort) - Red, shade plant 10"
Eupatorium dubium 'Baby Joe' (Joe Pye Weed)Magenta-pink flowers 30"
Eupatorium maculatum 'Gateway' (Joe Pye Weed) Red 60"
Euphorbia polychroma 'Bonfire' Deep purple, red and orange flowers 18"
Filipendula rubra (Queen of the prairie) - Red 6'
Gaillardia 'Arizona Sun' - Fiery orange-red blossoms, edges flame-yellow 10"
Gaillardia 'Spintop Copper Sun' Copper-orange with silvery green foliage 12"
Gaillardia 'Spintop Red' - Daisy-like, red flowers 10"
Geranium 'Bevans Variety' - Magenta flowers 8" - 12"
Geranium cantabrigiense 'Biokova' - White flwr, long bloom 8"
Geranium 'Dark Reiter' - Dark leaves with lilac blue flwrs. 8"
Geranium macrorrhizum 'Walter Ingwersen' - Lilac/pink 14"
Geranium sang. 'Max Frei' (Bloody Cranesbill) - Magenta 10"
Geranium 'Rozanne' - Dark green foliage, long bloom time 12"
Geum triflorum (Prairie Smoke) Deeply-cut pink flwrs, feathery seed heads 10"
Helenium 'Mariachi Fuego' Fiery shades of orange, red and yellow 18"
Heliopsis 'Bleeding Hearts' - Intense orange/red 36"
Hemerocallis 'Always Afternoon' - Large plum-purple flower, green throat 22"
Hemerocallis 'Apricot Sparkles' - Diamond dusted apricot flowers, ruffled 15"
Hemerocallis 'Baja' Large red tepals w/green throat 26"
Hemerocallis 'Bela Lugosi' - Deep purple, yellow throat 32"
Hemerocallis 'Blackthorne' - Light butter-yellow flowers with purple throat 24"
Hemerocallis 'Chicago Apache' - Deep red flower, ruffled edges, green throat 26"
Hemerocallis 'Going Bananas' Fragrant canary-yellow flowers 20"
Hemerocallis 'Happy Returns' Lemon yellow ruffled flowers, fragrant 18"
Hemerocallis 'Joan Senior' - Creamy white lime green thrt 30"
Hemerocallis 'Little Grapette' Grape-purple, dark eye, 14"
Hemerocallis 'Pardon Me' Red w/yellow throat, rebloomer 18"
Hemerocallis 'Rosy Returns' - Rose with deep pink eye, yellow throat 12"
Hemerocallis 'Ruby Stella' - Wine-red flowers, rebloomer 18"
Hemerocallis 'South Seas' - Coral-tangerine, yellow throat 30"
Hemerocallis 'Stella D'Oro' - Yellow, rebloomer 16"
Hemerocallis 'Stella Supreme' - Grass-like foliage, lacy lemon-yellow blooms 16"
Heuchera 'Berry Smoothie' - Large pink/rose leaves 12"
Heuchera 'Black Forest Cake' - Dark chocolatey, bright cherry red flowers 6"
Heuchera 'Caramel' Gold-caramel foliage, red undersides 10"
Heuchera 'Citronelle' - Lime yellow foliage 10"
Heuchera 'Crimson Curls'- Ruffled and curled bronzy-brown, crimson under 12"
Heuchera 'Fire Alarm' Bright red leathery leaves turn brown to red in fall 10"
Heuchera 'Forever Purple' - Ultra-purple glossy, fluted edge, purple/pink 12"
Heuchera 'Forever Red' - Reddest leaves, white flowers 14"
Heuchera 'Green Spice' - Green and silvery, purple veins 14"
Heuchera 'Lime Marmalade' - Ruffled, lime-green leaves 10"
Heuchera 'Midnight Rose' - Purple foliage / pink spots 12"
Heuchera 'Northern Exposure Amber' - Amber round leaves, dense mound 14"
Heuchera 'Northern Exposure Red' - Burgundy red, fluted edges, mounded 12"
Heuchera 'Northern Exposure Silver' - Burgundy silver, tightly mounded 13"
Heuchera 'Obsidian' Nearly black foliage,glass-like luster 10"
Heuchera 'Palace Purple' (Coral Bells) - Bronze foliage 18"
Heuchera 'Paris' White veiled green leaves, rose flwrs. 14"
Heuchera 'Plum Pudding' Plum-purple silver-streaked fol.12"
Heuchera 'Red Lightning' Dark red veins on chartreuse 14"
Heuchera 'Snow Angel' Green, creamy spots, pink flwr 12"
Heucherella 'Pink Revolution' -Green leaves with silver and purple markings 15"
Heucherella 'Stoplight' Red centers on lime green leaves 8"
Heucherella 'Sweet Tea' Coppery-orange, burg. splotches 10"
Hibiscus 'Midnight Marvel' - 8" Purple maple-leaf like fol. scarlet red flowers 48"
Hibiscus 'Starry Starry Night' Maple shaped, dark pink veining pale-pink flwr 42"
Iris germanica 'Al Segno' Blue shades with ruffled edges 26"
Iris germanica 'Batik' Royal purple flowers with splattered white flecks 24"
Iris germanica 'Harvest of Memories' Ruffled yellow flowers, fragrant, rblmr 36"
Iris germanica 'Immortality' Pure white flowers with light lemon beard 28"
Iris germanica 'That's all Folks' Giant golden ruffled flowers with white streaked centers 36"
Iris germanica 'Savannah Sunset' Intense orange flowers with orange beard 36"
Iris pallida 'Albo Variegata' Green and white striped foliage, lavender blue 24"
Iris siberica 'Butter and Sugar' Two-toned creamy yellow/white, rebloomer 28"
Iris siberica 'Caesar's Brother' - Royal blue 30"
Iris versicolor (Blue Flag) - Wetland plant 30"
Leucanthemum 'Becky' - Sturdy stems, white single flowers 36"
Leucanthemum 'Sweet Daisy Birdy' Bright white blooms 20" AAS Winner
Liatris 'Kobold' (Blazing Star) - Mauve-purple, compact 18"
Liatris spicata 'Floristan Violet' (Blazing Star) 24"
Liatris spicata 'Floristan White' (Blazing Star) 24"
Ligularia dentata 'Desdemona' - Yellow/orange 40"
Ligularia stenocephala 'Little Rocket' Jagged edged leaves, daisy-like flwrs 30"
Liriope muscari - Blue flower spikes, groundcover 14"
Monarda didyma 'Bee-Mine Red' Hot true red flowers, highly mildew resistant 15"
Monarda didyma 'Fireball' Deep red sphere flowers 25"
Monarda didyma Sugar Buzz 'Blue Moon' Lavender blue 18"
Monarda didyma Sugar Buzz 'Bubblegum Blast' Dark green, 2" pink flowers 18"
Monarda didyma Sugar Buzz 'Grape Gumball' Vibrant 2" magenta flowers 20"
Monarda didyma 'Jacob Cline' - Large red flowers 48"
Monarda didyma 'Raspberry Wine' Raspberry-like buds, wine & red flowers 36"
Nepeta 'Junior Walker' - Comp. Gray/green fol. lav/blue 18"
Nepeta 'Purrsian Blue' Blue flowers, tiny green leaves 16"
Nepeta 'Walker's Low' Grey-green foliage, blue flowers 10"
Penstemon 'Dakota Burgundy' Glossy purple-black leaves, lavender flowers 14"
Penstemon 'Dark Towers' - Purple to red foliage, pink f. 40"
Peony Double 'Dutchess de Nemours' - White #1 6/crate
Peony Double 'Itoh Bartzella' Golden double flwr, red stained center 30" #2 Pot
Peony Double 'Kansas' - Carmine-red #1 6/crate
Peony Double 'Karl Rosenfield' - Red #1 6/crate
Peony Double 'Red Charm' Ball shaped red flowers reach 9" across 32" # 2 pot
Peony Double 'Sarah Bernhardt' - Pink #1 6/crate
Peony Semi double 'Coral Sunset' peach shades #1 6/crt
Peony Semi double 'Paula Fay' Hot Pink,dark green fol. gold stamens 36" #2 pot
Perovskia atriplicifolia (Russian Sage) 48"
Perovskia 'Blue Jean Baby' - Lavender blue flowers 28"
Perovskia 'Little Lace' - Silver-green foliage, compact 20"
Perovskia 'Little Spire' - Dwarf, upright cultivar 24"
Phlox paniculata 'Flame Blue' - Compact, large blooms 16"
Phlox paniculata 'Flame Coral' - Compact, large blooms 16"
Phlox paniculata 'Flame Pink' - Compact, large blooms 16"
Phlox paniculata 'Flame Purple' - Compact, large blooms 16"
Phlox paniculata 'Flame Red' - Compact, large blooms 16"
Phlox paniculata 'Flame White' Compact, large blooms 16"
Phlox paniculata 'Glamour Girl' - Hot coral pink flowers 30"
Phlox subulata 'Emerald Blue' (Creeping Phlox) 4" - 6"
Phlox subulata 'Emerald Pink' (Creeping Phlox) 4" - 6"
Phlox subulata 'Red Wings' (Creeping Phlox) 4" - 6"
Phlox subulata 'Snowflake' (Creeping Phlox) 4" - 6"
Polemonium 'Stairway to Heaven' Ferny green, creamy margins,blue flowers 24"
Polygonatum (Variegated Solomon's Seal) 24" - 30"
Pulmonaria 'Raspberry Splash' - Dusky raspberry-coral, silver marks pointed 25"
Pulmonaria 'Twinkle Toes' - Spotted silver, blue flowers 10"
Rodgersia 'Elegans' Rose-cream scented, dark leaves 36"
Rudbeckia 'American Gold Rush' Golden, black centers 18" - 24" P. year 2023
Rudbeckia 'Goldstrum' (Black Eyed Susan) 24"
Rudbeckia 'Gold Blitz' Very similar to Goldstrum, blooms earlier, more mildew resistant 24"
Rudbeckia 'Little Goldstar' Rich green foliage, golden yellow flowers, compact 16"
Salvia nem. 'Blue by You'Long, bright blue flower spikes 20"
Salvia nem. 'Blue Marvel' - Violet-blue flowers 10" - 12"
Salvia nem. 'Caradonna' - Purple stems, purple blooms 24"
Salvia nemerosa 'May Night' - Violet-blue 12" - 18"
Salvia nemerosa 'Rose Marvel' - Deep orchid-pink flow 10"
Sedum 'Atlantis' - Scalloped green creamy white foliage, yellow flowers, blooms in midsummer 4" - 6"
Sedum 'Autumn Fire' - Bright red flowers 16"
Sedum 'Autumn Joy' - Bronze flowers 18"
Sedum 'Cherry Truffle' Multiple colors of fol. in purple, black, green & gray 18"
Sedum 'Class Act' - Green foliage, deep-pink flowers 16"
Sedum 'Dark Magic' - Dark-purple leaves,dark pink flowers 12"
Sedum 'Double Martini' - Maroon stems, olive green leaves, pink flowers 15"
Sedum Sun Spark. 'Dazzleberry' True-grey fol., rasp. flwr 8"
Sedum Sun Sparkler 'Dream Dazzler' Smoky-purple leaves, hot-pink edges 15"
Sedum Sun Sparkler 'Firecracker' - Cherry-red f. hot pink 6"
Sedum Sun Sparkler 'Lime Zinger' Lime green leaves, red edges pink flowers 8"
Sedum 'Thunderhead' -Huge rose flowers, grey-green f. 26"
Sempervivum 'Chick Charm Gold Nugget' - Gold foliage, red picotee edges 6"
Sempervivum 'Cobweb Buttons' - A variety of 'Hens and Chicks' covered with spiderweb-like hairs 6"
Sempervivum 'Oddity' Tube-shaped bright green leaves with dark red tips 3" - 6"
Solidago 'Little Lemon' Lemon yellow panicles,compact 15"
Stachys byzantina 'Helen von Stein' (Lamb's Ear)Wooly-silver, non-flowering 10"
Stachys monieri 'Hummelo' - Dark green fol. rose-lavender spikes 18"
Tiarella wherryi 'Spring Symphony' Dark green leaves, pink flowers 8"
Tiarella wherryi 'Sugar and Spice' Lacy leaves with pointed, heavily marked 12"
Tradescantia andersoniana 'Blue and Gold' (Spiderwort)Golden-yellow fol. 24"
Veronica 'Aztec Gold' - Chartreuse foliage, blue flowers 4"
Veronica 'First Lady' - Magestic White Spikes
Veronica 'First Love' - Nearly fluorescent pink flowers 12"
Veronica 'Royal Candles' - Compact, violet-blue spikes 15"
Aegopodium (Snow on the Mountain) - Ground cover 14"
Ajuga 'Black Scallop' - Black-purple scalloped leaves 6"
Ajuga 'Bronze Beauty' - Ground cover 4"
Ajuga 'Burgundy Glow' - Ground cover 4"
Artemisia 'Silver Mound' - Drought tolerant 6" - 10"
Convallaria (Lily of the Valley) - Ground cover, fragrant 8"
Euonymus 'Coloratus' - Purple wintercreeper 12"-24'
Lamiastrum variegatum (Yellow Archangel) Green/silver foliage 10"
Lamium maculatum 'Pink Pewter' 6"
Lamium 'Purple Dragon' - Silver-white foliage, purple flower 6"
Lamium 'White Nancy' - Silver-white foliage, white flower 6"
Lavender Intermedia Phenomenal - Fragrant, purple flowers 18"
Lavendula 'Munstead' (Sweet Lavender) - Dwarf 15"
Leontopodium (Edelweiss) - White foliage 6"
Lysimachia (Creeping Jenny, Moneywort) - Gold 2"
Lysimachia (Creeping Jenny, Moneywort) - Green 2"
Pachysandra 'Green Carpet' - Ground cover 6"
Sagina arenia aurea 'Scotch Moss' (Golden Sandwort) 4"
Sagina 'Irish Moss' (Pearlwort) - Green, shade 2" - 4"
Sedum 'Angelina' - Bright yellow turns to orange-red in the fall 4"
Sedum 'Coral Reef' - Flat green foliage turns burgundy in fall 3"
Sedum spurium 'Dragons Blood' - Red flower, 6"
Sedum fuldaglut 'Fireglow' - Red flowers, red-orange foliage 4"
Sedum 'John Creech' - Green foliage, Small pink flowers 2"
Sedum kamtschaticum - Golden yellow flower 6"
Sedum kamtschaticum variegatum - Yellow-orange flower 6"
Sedum 'Lidakense' - Blue foliage, pink flowers 8"
Sedum 'Red Carpet' - Red foliage, flowerless 4"
Sedum reflexum 'Blue Spruce' - Yellow flower 6" - 8"
Sedum sexangulare - Dwarf stonecrop, burnt-copper colored 4"
Sedum spurium 'Tricolor' - Pink & white foliage, rose flowers 4"
Sempervivum (Hens and Chicks) 6"
Sweet Woodruff - Galium odoratum 6"
Thymus praecox 'Coccineus' - Red creeping thyme 4"
Thymus serpyllum 'Minus' - Mat-forming ground cover 2"
Vinca minor (Periwinkle) - Blue flower, ground cover 6"
Andropogon gerardii Big Blue Stem - Clumps of blue-green 3' - 4'
Andropogon gerardii 'Blackhawks' Deepens to nearly black 5'(Gallons $7.00)
Andropogon gerardii 'Red October' Burgundy red 5' (Gallons $7.00/pot)
Bouteloua gracilis 'Blonde Ambition' - Blue green foliage, 3' (Gallons $6.50/pot)
Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' Feather Reed Grass - Showy 4' - 5'
Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Lightning Strike' Creamy white (This Variety $4.50/pot)
Calamagrostis acutiflora Overdam - Feather Reed Grass - Bright silver 3' - 5'
Calamagrostis brachytricha Korean Feather Reed Grass -Globe-like display 4'
Carex glauca Blue Zinger - Silvery-blue foliage 6"
Carex morrowii Ice Dance - Creamy edges, deep green center 10"
Carex pensylvanica Pennsylvania Sedge - Soft-green curly foliage 8" - 10"
Deschampsia cespitosa 'Golden Dew' Tufted Hair Grass - Compact 24"
Festuca ovina glauca 'Elijah Blue' Blue Fescue Fine silver-blue,globe shaped18"
Hakonechloa macra 'All Gold' Version of Aureola 15" (Gallon only $7.00/pot)
Hakonechloa macra 'Aureola' Yellow stems, gre 18" (Gallon only $7.00/pot)
Helictotrichon Blue Oat Grass - Blue stems 24" (This Variety $4.50/pot)
Miscanthus sinensis purpurascens Flame Miscanthus 6' Rec. by U of MN
Panicum virgatum 'Northwind' Steel blue-green foliage 4' - 5'
Panicum virgatum 'Heavy Metal' Switch Grass - Feathery seed heads 5' - 6'
Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah' Switch Grass - Changes to burgundy 4'
Pennisetum 'Hameln' dwarf fountain grass. Bright green leaves 18" to 30"
Phalaris arundinacea Ribbon Grass - Strawberries and Cream 3'
Sesleria Autumn Moor Grass - Slender white flowers 12" - 18"
Schizachyrium scoparium Little Blue. 'Blue Heaven' Upright 4' (Gallons $7.00)
Schizachyrium scoparium Little Bluestem 'Carousel' (Gallons only $7.00)
Schizachyrium scoparium Little Bluestem -Pronounced blue 12"-24"
Schizachyrium scoparium 'Standing Ovation' Bluish-green 3' - 4' ($5.50/pot)
Sisyrinchium 'Blue Eyed Grass' Dark green, bluish-purple petals 6"
Sporobolus heterolepis Prairie Dropseed - Native 30" - 36"
Sporobolus heterolepis 'Tara' Prairie Dropseed - Gold (Gallons only $6.00) 28"
Acorus gramineus 'Oborozuki' Upright clumps, yellow-striped grass-like fol. 10"
Carex 'Evergold' - Green and yellow variegated foliage 12" - 16"
Carex 'Red Rooster' - Curled tipped red-bronze foliage 24"
Carex 'Toffee Twist' - Irridescent mahogany leaves 22"
Juncus 'Twisted Arrows' Green leaves, upright corkscrew habit 18"
Pennisetum setaceum rubrum 'Crimson Fountain Grass'Purple, pink flowers 3'
Scirpus cernuus (Isolepsis cernuus) 'Fiber Optic Grass' 12"
Carex elata 'Bowles Golden' Gold foliage with thin green margins 12" - 24"
Lemon Grass - Culinary herb 30"
Pennisetum setaceum rubrum - Crimson Fountain Grass 4' - 5'
Pennisetum setaceum rubrum 'First Knight' Thick 1" dark purple, vigorous 36"
Albo Marginata - Green/white, lavender flower 14"
August Moon - Large golden foliage 24"
Aureo Marginata - Green with yellow margins 18"- 24"
Francee - Dark green white edge, lavender flowers 24"
Frances Williams - Large blue green/yellow edge 24"
Gold Standard - Medium large, green/cream 24"
Royal Standard - Glossy green with white flowers 28"
Blue Angel - Huge blue heavily-textured leaves, floriferous 36"
Blue Mouse Ears - Round blue leaves, lav flowers, miniature 8"
Earth Angel - Giant blue heart shaped leaves, white borders 30"
First Frost - Blue-green leaves with yellow border 16"
Golden Tiara - Rounded green leaves, creamy edges 15"
Guacamole - Large shiny rounded leaves with gold center, white flowers 22"
Halcyon - Very blue, heavy foliage 24"- 36"
Krossa Regal - Frosty blue, upright habit 28"
Olive Bailey Langdon - Blue-green, wide gold margins 30"
Patriot - Dark green, pure white margin 22"
Abiqua Drinking Gourd - Blue-green, puckered foliage 24"
Aureomarginata Montana - Green leaves, gold margins 27"
Big Daddy - Deep blue, puckered round leaves 36"
Brother Stefan - Gold with irregular dark-green margins 28"
Forbidden Fruit - Yellow-orange leaves, blue/green margin 20"
Hadspen Blue - Powdery steel-blue leaves 14"
Rainforest Sunrise Green cupped corrugated leaves, with yellow centers 8"
Regal Splendor Heart-shaped gold leaves, blue-green margins 18"
Stained Glass - Yellow veins throughout the golden leaves, dark marg. 14"
Sum and Substance - Chartreuse, oval leaves, lav. flowers 30"
Autumn Frost - Frosty-blue leaves, wide bright yellow margins 14"
Beyond Glory - Wide, dark green margins, gold centers 16"
Blue Mammoth - Powdery blue foliage 36"
Cool as a Cucumber - Green/white variegated foliage 28"
Curly Fries - Chartreuse rippled narrow leaves, lav. Flowers 8"
Dancing Queen - Non-fading bright yellow foliage with pie-crust edges 18"
Fire Island - Brilliant yellow leaves on red stems 12"
Happy Dayz - Blue-green margins, yellow centers 18"
Humpback Whale - Dome shaped mound of blue-green, heart shaped 36"
Island Breeze - Dark green margins, bright yellow centers 12"
June - Blue edges, creamy center changes to dark chartreuse 15"
Rainbow's End - Dark green leaves with gold center 12"
Twin Cities - Blue-green leaves, 2" chartreuse margins 32"
Vulcan - Pure white center bordered in dark green leaves 18"
Looks Tiny Bee - Yellow 12" - 14"
Looks Tiny Crystal - White 12" - 14"
Looks Tiny Diamond BiColor Rosey-Red 16"
Looks Tiny Dino - Orange 12" - 14"
Looks Tiny Ink - Dark burgundy center with red tips 16"
Looks Tiny Lion Dark burgandy with orange tips 16"
Looks Tiny Pearl - Rich large pink flowers 14" - 16"
Looks Tiny Rocket - Red 12" - 14"
Tiger Lily Citronella - Speckled gold flowers 60" 6.00/pot
Tiger Lily Splendens - Spotted orange blossoms 48" 6.00/pot
After Eight - Dark pink/white edges 14"- 16"
Sunny Bahamas - Vibrant white flowers 16" - 18"
Sunny Keys - Vibrant dark pink-red blooms 16" - 18"
Stargazer - White/red 18"
Adiantum pedatum Maidenhair Fern - Moist/shade 18"
Athyrium filix-femina Lady Fern 24"
Athyrium filix-femina Lady in Red Fern - Red stems 36"
Athyrium Lady Ghost Painted Fern 26"
Athyrium niponicum pictum Japanese Painted Fern 18"
Dryopteris erythrosora Autumn Fern 22"
Matteuccia struthiopteris Ostrich Fern - Moist/sun or shade 3'
Osmunda cinnamonea Cinnamon Fern - Large, vigorous 2' - 3'
Boston Ivy - Parthenocissus tricuspidata
Clematis Duchess of Edinburgh - White- On trellis
Clematis Jackmanii - Purple - On trellis
Clematis Snow Queen - 6" Flws, floriferous On trellis
Clematis Rebecca - Deep Vibrant Red - On trellis
Lonicera Honeysuckle Dropmore Scarlet
Trumphet Vine Flamenco - Campsis radicans, flwrs, attracts hummingbirds
Wisteria macrostathra Blue Moon -Lavender blue, foot long racemes, fragrant15'
Ginger Root - Asarum canadense - Purple flower, shade/moist 6"
Virginia Bluebells (Mertensia virginica) 2'
Achillea millefolium - Common Yarrow
Acorus calamus - Sweet Flag
Agastache foeniculum - Giant Hyssop
Allium cernuum - Nodding Onion
Anenome canadenses - Canadian Anenome
Aquilegia canadenses - Wild Columbine
Asclepias incarnata - Swamp Milkweed
Asclepias tuberosa - Butterfly Flower
Aster novae-angliae - New England Aster
Aster laevis - Smooth Blue Aster
Baptisia australis - False Indigo
Chelone glabra - Turtlehead
Coreopsis lanceolata - Sand Coreopsis
Dalea purpurea - Purple Prairie Clover
Echinacea purpurea - Purple Coneflower
Eupatorium maculatum - Joe Pye Weed
Eupatorium perfoliatum - Boneset
Eryngium yuccifolium - Rattlesnake-master
Geum triflorum - Prairie Smoke
Grass, Andropogon gerardii - Big Bluestem
Grass, Andropogon scoparius - Little Bluestem
Grass, Bouteloua gracilis - Blue Grama
Grass, Bouteloua curtipendula - Sideoats Grama
Grass, Carex vulpinoidea - Fox Sedge
Grass, Carex stricta - Tussock Sedge
Grass, Carex pensylvanica - Pennsylvania Sedge
Grass, Juncus effusus - Common Rush
Grass, Koeleria cristata - June Grass
Grass, Panicum virgatum - Switch Grass
Grass, Sisyrinchium angustifol. - Blue Eyed Grass
Grass, Sorghastrum nutans - Indian Grass
Grass, Sporobolis heterolopsis - Prairie Dropseed
Helenium autumnale - Sneezeweed
Heliopsis helianthoides - Ox-eye Sunflower
Heuchera richardsonii - Prairie Alumroot
Iris versicolor - Blue Flag Iris
Liatris ligulistylis - Meadow Blazing Star
Liatris pycnostachya - Prairie Blazing Star
Liatris spicata - Marsh Blazing Star
Lobelia cardinalis - Cardinal Flower
Lobelia siphilitica - Great Blue Lobelia
Monarda fistulosa - Wild Monarda
Phlox divaricata - Woodland Phlox
Physostegia virginianum - Obedient Plant
Polemonium reptans - Jacobs Ladder
Ratibida pinnata - Yellow Coneflower
Rudbeckia hirta - Black Eyed Susan
Rudbeckia submentosa - Sweet B. Eyed Susan
Solidago rigida - Stiff Goldenrod
Solidago speciosa - Showy Goldenrod
Tradescantia bracteata - Prairie Spiderwort
Verbena hastata - Blue Vervain
Verbena stricta - Hoary Vervain
Vernonia fasciculata - Ironweed
Veronicastrum virginicum - Culvers Root
Zizia aurea Golden Alexander
Achillea 'Moonshine' - Sulphur yellow, silver foliage 20"
Actaea ramosa (Cimicifuga) 'Brunette' Pink flowers 40"
Allium 'Millenium' - Rose-pink flowers 12" - 18"
Allium 'Summer Beauty' - Large pink blooms, upright 12"
Agastache 'Blue Fortune' Tubular flwr spike, blue foliage 18"
Aralia cordata 'Sun King' - Gold foliage, white flower 30"
Aster 'Purple Dome' - Dwarf, purple 18"
Asclepias incarnata 'Cinderella' - Rose-pink 36" - 60"
Asclepias tuber. (Butterfly Weed) Orange to red flowers 20"
Astilbe arendsii 'Color Flash' - Foliage changes color 12"
Astilbe chinensis 'Vision in Red' - Red stems, purple-red 15"
Astilbe chinensis 'Vision in White' - Dark green foliage 18"
Baptisia australis (False Indigo) - Blue 40"
Bergenia cordifolia 'Winter Glow' - Turns bright maroon 16"
Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost' - Large silver leaves 12"
Calamintha (Lesser Calamint) - White flowers, fragrant 15"
Chelone lyonii 'Hotlips' - Vibrant pink blooms 30"
Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam' - Cream yellow 18"
Coreopsis verticillata 'Zagreb' - Upright habit, yellow 12"
Delphinium 'Blue Butterfly' - Deep blue 14"
Dianthus 'Firewitch' - Magenta flowers, blue foliage 6"
Dicentra 'Gold Heart' - Rose-pink heart-shaped flowers 24"
Dicentra spectabilis (Old Fashioned Bleeding Heart) 24"
Echinacea 'Kismet Intense Orange' Compact orange flwr16"
Echinacea 'Kismet Intense Raspberry' - Long bloomer 18"
Echinacea 'Kismet Red' Large scarlet flowers, rebloomer 16"
Echinacea 'Magnus' (Coneflower) - Rose-red 40"
Echinacea purpurea (Purple Coneflower) - Red/purple 30"
Echinacea 'Pow Wow Wild Berry' - Deep rose-purple 24"
Echinacea 'Sombrero Adobe Orange' Intense orange 18"
Echinacea 'Sombrero Lemon Yellow' Golden, copper c. 24"
Echinacea 'Sombrero Salsa Red' - Spicy red/ orange 24"
Eupatorium dubium 'Baby Joe' (Joe Pye Weed) 30"
Geranium 'Biokova' - White flower, long bloom time 8"
Geum triflorum (Prairie Smoke) - Deeply-cut pink flowers 10"
Grass, Bouteloua gracilis - 'Blonde Ambition' 3'
Grass, Calamagrostis 'Karl Foerster' Feather Reed 4' - 5'
Grass, Calamagrostis 'Karl Foerster' Feather Reed #2 Pot
Grass, Festuca ovina glauca - Blue Fescue - 'Elijah Blue' 15"
Grass, Hakonechloa macra All Gold - All gold version 15'
Grass, Hakonechloa macra Aureola - Yellow stems 18"
Grass, Helictotrichon Blue Oat Grass - Blue stems 24"
Grass, Miscanthus sin. purp. Red Flame Miscanthus 6'
Grass, Panicum virgatum 'Northwind' Steel blue-green 4' 5'
Grass, Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah' Switch grass 4'
Grass, Sesleria Autumn Moor Grass White flowers 12"- 18"
Grass, Schizachyrium scop Little Bluestem 'Blue Heaven' 4'
Grass, Schizachyrium scop Little Bluestem 'Carousel' 30"
Grass, Schizachyrium scoparium Little Bluestem 12" - 24"
Grass, Sporobolus heterolepis Prairie Dropseed 30" - 36"
Grass, Sporobolus het. 'Tara' Prairie Dropseed 24" - 30"
Grass, Andropogon gerardii - Red October 4' - 6'
Hemerocallis 'Happy Returns' - Lemon yellow ruffled 18"
Hemerocallis 'Pardon Me' - Red with yellow throat 18"
Hemerocallis 'Rosy Returns' - Bright rose flowers 12"
Hemerocallis "Apricot Sparkles' - Ruffled blooms 20"
Hemerocallis 'Chicago Apache' - Deep red flower, ruffled 26"
Hemerocallis 'Stella D Oro' Yellow rebloomer 16"
Hemerocallis 'Stella Supreme' Lacy lemon-yellow blooms 16"
Heuchera 'Berry Smoothie' - Large pink/rose leaves 12"
Heuchera 'Forever Purple' - Ultra-purple glossy leaves 10"
Heuchera 'Plum Pudding' - Compact, plum-purple foliage 12"
Heuchera 'Citronelle' - Lime yellow foliage 10"
Heuchera 'Fire Alarm' - Bright red leathery leaves 10"
Iris pallida variegata 'Argentium' Green and white striped 15"
Iris siberica 'Caesar's Brother' - Royal blue 30"
Iris versicolor (Blue flag) - Wetland plant 30"
Leucanthemum 'Becky' Large sturdy white single flowers 36"
Liatris 'Kobold' (Blazing Star) - Mauve-purple, compact 18"
Liatris spicata (Blazing Star) - Purple 24"
Liatris spicata 'Floristan White' (Blazing Star) 24"
Ligularia stenocephala 'Little Rocket' - Ddaisy-like 24" - 36"
Monarda didyma 'Fireball' Red sphere-shaped flowers 25"
Monarda didyma Sugar Buzz 'Grape Gumball' - Magenta 20"
Monarda didyma 'Raspberrry Wine' Raspberry-like buds 36"
Nepeta 'Junior Walker' - Compact, blue/green foliage 18"
Nepeta 'Walker's Low' Grey-green foliage, blue flowers 10"
Penstemon 'Dakota Burgundy' Purple-black leaves 14"
Perovskia 'Blue Jean Baby' - Lavender blue flowers 28"
Perovskia 'Little Spire' - Dwarf, upright cultivar 24"
Polygonatum (Variegated Solomon's Seal) 24" - 30"
Pulmonaria 'Raspberry Splash' - Dusky raspberry-coral 25"
Rudbeckia - American Gold Rush, Golden yellow flrs 18"-24"
Rudbeckia Goldsturm (Black Eyed Susan) 24"
Salvia nem. 'Blue Marvel' - Violet-blue flowers 10" - 12"
Salvia nem. 'Caradonna' - Purple stems, purple blooms 18"
Salvia nemerosa 'Rose Marvel' - Deep orchid-pink flow 10"
Salvia nemorosa 'May Night' - Violet-blue 12" - 18"
Sedum 'Autumn Fire' - Bright red flowers 16"
Sedum 'Autumn Joy' - Bronze flowers 18"
Sedum 'Cherry Truffle' - Multiple colors of foliage 18"
Sedum 'Class Act' - Green foliage, deep-pink flowers 16"
Stachys byzantina 'Helen von Stein' (Lamb's Ear) 8" - 12"
Tradescantia andersoniana 'Blue and Gold' (Spiderwort) 24"
Veronica 'Royal Candles' Comp., spreading, violet-blue 15"